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Client: Girls Action Foundation

Graphic design

The Girls Action Foundation National Day of Action takes place on Valentine’s day every year. Young women and girls across the country are encouraged to plan their own actions around issues that are important to them; these action-oriented projects can take on any form, and the Girls Action Foundation has a small subsidy they can apply to for support.

The 2015 day of action centred around the following themes: newcomer and immigrant girls engaging in violence prevention; celebrating women’s history in Canada and; girls as community leaders.

The Day of Action invites girls and young women across the country to organize actions to engage with social justice issues. These actions are as varied and diverse as the young women invited to participate and can range from self-care, to writing or blogging, to zine-making or community organizing.

These posters focus on these diverse actions and the ways in which this diversity leads to a sense of unity.

The Public Studio
58 Lansdowne Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M6K 2V9

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