
We are defined by the work that we do, and the wonderful people that we get to work alongside. Here is a list of world-changers we've had the pleasure of working with:

  • ACTRA National
  • Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario
  • AIDS Committee of Toronto
  • Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention (ASAAP)
  • Answer at Rutger’s University
  • Art Gallery of Mississauga
  • ArtReach
  • Association for Women’s Rights in Development
  • Association of Ontario Health Centres (AOHC)
  • Butterfly—Asian and Migrant Sex Workers’ Network
  • Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
  • Canadian Dimensions
  • Canadian Federation of Students
  • Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
  • Canadian Labour Congress
  • Canadian Media Guild
  • Canadians for Choice
  • Caregivers’ Action Centre
  • CATIE: Canada’s Source for HIV and Hepatitis C Information
  • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
  • Centre for Women and Trans People at the University of Toronto
  • Centre[3]
  • CHIWOS—Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study
  • Christopher Mayo
  • City of Toronto
  • Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA)
  • Coyle Filmes
  • CUPE 3902
  • CUPE 3903
  • CUPE National
  • Education—Training—Research
  • EGALE Canada
  • Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO)
  • Engineers Without Borders
  • Equal Pay Coalition
  • Equal Voice
  • EQUITAS Canada
  • Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA)
  • Family Services Toronto
  • Gathering and Weaving Stories on Turtle’s Back
  • Gay and Bisexual Newcome MSM Network
  • Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance
  • Gein Wong
  • Girls Action Foundation
  • Government of Canada
  • Greenpeace Canada
  • Health Nexus
  • Health Campus Initiative
  • Human Rights Legal Support Centre
  • Humber College Aboriginal Resource Centre
  • Inspirit Foundation
  • Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre
  • LAL
  • LGBTTQI Home Care Access Project
  • Maggie’s Sex Worker Action Project
  • Mayworks Festival for Working People and the Arts
  • McGill University
  • MediaStyle
  • Mike Layton
  • myMSG
  • National Aboriginal Health Organization
  • National Association for Women and the LAw
  • Native Youth Sexual Health Network
  • New Democratic Party Ontario
  • Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto
  • Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists (OACCPP)
  • Oasis Alternative School
  • OCAD University
  • Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
  • Ontario Council for International Cooperation
  • Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres
  • Ontario Public Interest Research Group (York)
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation
  • Ontario Women’s Health Network
  • Ontario Women’s College Hospital
  • Ontario Public Service Employees Union
  • Parkdale Community Economic Development Project (PCED)
  • Parkdale Project Read
  • Parkdale Public School
  • Prisoners HIV/AIDS Support Action Network
  • Planned Parenthood Toronto
  • Progress Toronto
  • Public Service Alliance Canada (PSAC)
  • Pathways to Possibilities Adult Learning and Employment Programs
  • Public Health Agency of Canada
  • Public Journal
  • Rainbow Health Ontario
  • Reach 2.0
  • Repair Café Toronto
  • Restless Precinct
  • SACHA: Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton Adrea
  • School of Social Work at McMaster University
  • Sexual Violence and Support Centre at the University of Toronto
  • Shameless Magazine
  • Shelley Carroll
  • Sherbourne Health Centre
  • Shift Health
  • Sistema
  • Sistering
  • Smithsonian Institute
  • Social Planning Toronto
  • Social Reform Ontario/Campaign 2000
  • South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario
  • St. Michael’s Hospital
  • Supporting Our Youth (SOY)
  • Tangled Arts and Disability
  • The Movement Project
  • The Subtle Vigilance Collective
  • The Housing Help Centre (formerly Scarborough Housing Help Centre)
  • Tools for Change
  • Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multi-cultural Women Against Rape
  • Transforming Rounds
  • Unifor
  • University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
  • University of Toronto Faculty Association
  • Wellesley Institute
  • Wilfred Laurier University
  • Women’s Health in Women’s Hands
  • Women’s Shelters Canada
  • Women’s Worlds 2011
  • Worker’s Action Centre
  • York Centre for Women and Trans People
  • York Federation of Students
  • Youthline
  • YWCA-Canada
  • YWCA-Cambridge
  • YWCA-Toronto
  • YWCA-Yellowknife