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The Public News

Upcoming events for April and May

Posted by Anabel on April 10th, 2020

Feat parkdale mutual aid

People’s Healing Fund for marginalized people is open

The People’s Healing Fund is collecting funds and applications (due April 15th) for BIPOC working-class healing practitioners to receive funds to sustainably subsidize their sliding-scale and low-cost services to marginalized people. The PHF is also offering an Accessibility Fund for service users to have access needs related to receiving healing services. You can find out more about this amazing project and apply for these funds here!

Migrant Rights Network demands COVID-19 response must leave no one behind

The Migrant Right Network is calling for collective responses that leave no one behind, including migrant workers, undocumented people, low-waged students, poor people, and refugees. Their petition is calling for: healthcare for all, worker protections, stopping detentions and deportations, community supports, and include migrant-led organizations in the response process. Sign the petition and access Migrant Rights Network COVID-19 resources here!

Parkdale People’s Economy Mutual Aid Network

The Parkdale People’s Economy is supporting community members with self-organizing mutual aid networks to build strong connections among neighbours during the outbreak of COVID-19. Find out more about what a “neighbourhood pod” is, and access their awesome resource kit here!

Prisoner Emergency Support Fund

Prison Abolition Organizing Group is collecting funds to support prisoners re-entering the community and the families of those behind bars in Canada. While many provinces and territories are starting to take measures to depopulate jails and prisons safely, prisoners do not have adequate support for their transition. Find out more on how to apply and donate here!

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M6K 2V9

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