What time is this place?


Rinchen Dolma


December 2017 – January 2018

What time is this place? by Rinchen Dolma is a visual documentation of her family’s migration from Tibet and her community’s experience of displacement. By capturing the significance of place and time in her life, we begin to visualize the epochs of her ancestral journeys.

Starting from Tibet, the homeland of her people, and an imaginary place to the exile generation, her family escapes to India where they seek refuge.

After living in India for several years, her parents move to Nepal where they give life to the next generation of our family: the exile generation. Nepal becomes the birthplace to many of the exile generation.

The desire to no longer be vulnerable as stateless refugees propels the search for a better life in Canada. In Tkaranto, Rinchen Dolma starts to create conversations about settling on contested Indigenous land.

As a part of this exhibition, Rinchen will be holding community conversations about migration, exile and settlement at The Public. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more info!

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