Upcoming events for April and May 2021
Declaration of Support: Justice for Migrant Sex Workers
Join Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network) in building a community of allies who support the rights of migrant sex workers. This declaration expresses a commitment to listen to the voices of migrant sex workers and to taking their leadership towards solutions that will bring about migrant and racial justice, and to improve the health, safety, and dignity of migrant sex workers.
The declaration includes a call for: the full decriminalization of sex work, eliminating discrimination again sex workers, an end to policing, racial, and social profiling, reviewing anti-trafficking policies to remove assumptions about sex work, education campaigns on dispelling racism, law enforcement in places where sex work happens, status for all, and guaranteed access without fear to government services, rights, and protections to migrant sex workers. Check out this video of Asian migrant workers in massage parlours and sex industry call for Status for All here, and sign the declaration here!
TRCC Young Black Survivors’ Support Group
April 15, 2021 to June 3, 2021
The Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Against Rape is offering a new support group for Black youth (15-29 years old) who have experienced sexual violence. The 8-week group is free and will run on Thursdays 6-8pm starting April 15th. Find out more info and register by emailing Naomi at naomi@trccmwar.ca
“Our Work is Everywhere”: Book launch and fundraiser
Monday April 19th at 7:00pm online via Zoom hosted by Bluestockings Book Store
Our Work is Everywhere, a collaborative and illustrated collection of oral history of queer and trans resistance, is virtually launching and fundraising for Third Root Collective Fund, Black Life Response, and Protect Puvugna. The launch will feature readings by Nube Cruz, Geleni Fontaine, Malika Imhotep, and the book’s author/illustrator, Syan Rose. RSVP here and pre-order the book from Arsenal Pulp Press here!
Mayworks Festival 2021
Saturday May 1st to Monday May 31st online via Zoom
The 36th Mayworks Festival of Working People and The Arts is back with a virtual festival featuring a series of free online events for you to experience from May 1st to May 31st. Check out their website where they will be launching new programs every week, including Dialogues, Music, Film, Visual Art and other Encounters. All content will be available from its launch up until the end of the festival on May 31st. Find out more info and the festival program here!

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