End Immigration Detention

Across Canada migrants are jailed indefinitely without charge or trial forthcoming because Canada cannot deport them but will not release them. This means that many are locked up behind bars and separated from their families for years on end. Canada is a rogue nation going against legal frameworks in other countries which restrict the length of time migrants can be detained pending deportation. Being jailed simply for the crime of being born somewhere else is unacceptable; indefinite detention is utterly unjustifiable. Join us in support of immigration detainee demands for:

  1. Freedom for the wrongly jailed.
  2. End arbitrary and indefinite detention.
  3. No maximum security holds.
  4. Overhaul the adjudication process.

We insist: No One Is Illegal! End Immigration Detentions! Freedom for All Prisoners!

Illustration showing three settings of detention: a detainee in a brick cell, another on a floating platform, and a third behind a wooden fence. Text reads "Migration with dignity: end immigration detention." Website "therepublicstudio.ca" is visible.

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