Upcoming events for October and November 2021
Parkdale Community Mapping workshops
October 19 at 6pm, October 21 at 3pm
Parkdale People’s Economy is hosting the next round of community planning workshops building on a community-led vision for economic, racial, and climate justice. This fall’s workshops are focusing on community mapping, starting with a community meeting on October 19 and a neighbourhood planning table meeting on October 21. If you are interested in planning a workshop with your community group, you can get in touch with Parkdale Peoples Economy at info@parkdalepeopleseconomy.ca, or find more info here!
Black Environmentalist Alliance (BEA) launching this fall
The Black Environmentalist Alliance (BEA) is launching this fall! The BEA will be supporting Black environmental professionals to champion, build community, and pursue environmental justice by providing a safe space for peer-to-peer engagement to have real conversations and share experiences. Stay updated and sign up to be a member here!
Mutual Aid Support: Fundraising for Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction
Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction offers critical support to Indigenous people experiencing houselessness and is looking to increase their capacity to support community with an outreach van. Support from crowdfunding is integral to being able to expand their reach and continue their work especially as winter approaches. Funds can be sent via e-transfer to torontoindigenoushr@gmail.com, with the subject: outreach van, and you can find stay updated here!

How do you want to change the world and how can we help?
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